Accounting Consulting Services
Technology is quickly changing traditional accounting. We go beyond typical bookkeeping services by providing expertise to keep your accounting function running efficiently and effectively, so you can focus on your business.
Pre-Audit Services
We understand that audits can be painful. Let us help your staff prepare for an audit by performing pre-audit risk assessments, and assisting with schedule preparation and process documentation.
Controller and CFO Services
Do you need a CFO but can't afford to take on the cost? Did you lose your accounting all-star and need help filling their responsibilities? Our professionals have helped bridge the gap between senior management and accounting staff for numerous companies, providing CFO and controller expertise at a lower cost than hiring in-house.
Financial Due Diligence
Mergers and acquisitions are riddled with complexities. Our professionals have been on both sides of M&A deals, participating in analyst calls and due diligence procedures. We understand what buyers want to see in your organization. Let us help you tell your financial story to get the most value out of your company.
We adopt a different approach to our accounting practice areas:
Tax: we take on tax matters only as an adjunct to our other work, and will also use tax specialists in the appropriate fields to help when needed.
Audit: we staff our audits with more senior staff for greater efficiency and effectiveness.
Outsource CFO & Controller Services: we utilize a team approach to address issues and provide solutions.
Services provided:
• Accounting & auditing services
• Financial planning and analysis
• Scenario planning
Rodney Lee
Executive VP, Spire
Change is inevitable in today's economy. Whether that's market dynamics, technological disruption or advancement, mergers and/or acquisitions, organizational change management will always be necessary because it deals with a single fact: how people adjust to change. Our team has decades of experience in structuring, facilitating, and assisting with change programs in Hawai‘i, on the mainland, and overseas. We have developed a proprietary methodology that we believe can stretch across cultures and communities.
We understand what we're asking for and why. Our engagement teams are staffed with experienced professionals who know how to drive the process. What now separates one audit firm from another is not rooted in traditional CPA expertise that provides technical textbook answers. Rather, expertise necessitates context. In today’s world, auditors need to understand the operating environments of the auditees' businesses, to balance and integrate technical textbook requirements with real-world business implications.
Our professionals have decades of experience assisting law firms, spanning all phases of litigation, including discovery requests, financial analysis, funds tracing, damages calculations and critiques, and expert witness reports and testimony. We help clients in every stage of a dispute, including early case assessment, discovery, damage analysis, depositions, and trial or settlement.
With consulting teams located in both Hawai‘i and mainland U.S.A., our diversely-experienced consulting professionals combine deep local ties, knowledge, and expertise with national and international experience. Our multi-dimensional work process leverages and adapts Best Practice methods that are nationally proven, to meet local conditions. Our local knowledge of organizational culture and community dynamics is what sets us apart from other CPA and consulting firms.